Taivas Business Design is about creating NEW business based on customer
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resulting a superb customer experience

keskiviikko 4. helmikuuta 2009

Why Marketing Clashes With Management - Advertising Age - CMO Strategy

Why Marketing Clashes With Management - Advertising Age - CMO Strategy

The biggest problem in business today: Left-brain management and right-brain marketing don't see eye to eye. Management is verbal, logical and analytical. Marketing is visual, intuitive and holistic.

How does the opposition manifest itself? Left-brainers are usually good talkers. Right-brainers are usually good writers. Marketing types think visually. They deal in words, of course, because marketing's ultimate objective is to own a word in the mind. But they want simple words that can easily be visualized.

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Luo Forrester tikapuumallin profiili

Taivas Lab KEY NOTE Rory Sutherland TED esitys. Kertaus portailta - toimii toistona.

6 minuutin seminaari mobiilimarkkinoinnista. Mukana myös suomalainen Blyk

Jos huokasit jo helpotuksesta ja totesit "mobiilimarkkinoinnista ei tarvitse välittää - siitä ei ole mihinkään", saatoit iloita liian aikaisin. Ohessa 6 minuutin setti, jossa pikaesittelyssä kiinnostavia mobiilimarkkinoinnin sovelluksia.