maanantai 31. elokuuta 2009
Fail Safe ja yrityskulttuuri
Nyt tarvitaan johtamista, yhteistä tavoitetta ja visiota. Tässä esimerkki Pixarilta:
Koko artikkeli osoitteessa:
"The trick is to make those mistakes as quickly as possible and move on, a philosophy Lasseter picked up from colleague and computer science pioneer Ed Catmull (the man who lured him to Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Group after Lasseter lost his job at Disney in 1983 -- the setback that has paid off best in Lasseter's career).
"When you think about science, it's about experimentation, and 99% of the experiments fail, but you learn from the failures and you move on," Lasseter says. "That's the great thing about Ed. He's always wanting people to keep pushing, keep experimenting, keep trying, and we always learn and keep moving forward."
He is adamant that teams not be allowed to sequester themselves or work too long without sharing their progress with others. No matter what state a project is in, every three months, directors are required to put their film up on reels and test how it screens. That way, Lasseter and his fellow leaders can identify problems early.
Lasseter doesn't believe in mandatory notes, introducing instead what he calls the "creative brain trust" at Pixar, a peer-support strategy in which all the directors and key story people from around the company get together and selflessly help on one another's films. "It doesn't matter whose idea it is, the best idea gets used," he explains."
Sosiaalinen media ja kilpailukyky markkinoilla
Sosiaalinen media syntyy spontaanisti, jos sitä ei rakennetat tietoisesti. Spontaani suosittelu on todennäköisintä, kun asiakkaan odotukset ylitetään tai alitetaan reilusti. Ylittäminen on nykytilanteessa varsin harvinaista, kun henkilöstön moraali ja mieliala on matalapaineen alla leikkauksien, lomautusten ja yleisen harmauden kohteena. No, juuri tässä on mahdollisuus tänään. Kun yleinen mieliala on se mikä on, omaan henkilöstöön ja asiakkaisiin panostaminen on fiksumpaa ja vaikuttavampaa kuin koskaan.
Johtoryhmän agendalla voi olla henkilöstön hyvinvointi, siellä pitäisi olla ymmärrys yrityksen kilpailukyvystä. Keinot perustuvat johtamiseen. Määrätietoisen sosiaalisen median strategian rakentamiseen saa apua erinomaisilta kumppaneilta, mutta jos fundamentit ovat pielessä hyvä yritys voi kääntyä massiiviseksi vitsiksi tai halveksunnaksi. Jos johtoryhmä kuittaa 5%:n asiakastyytymättömyyden mitättömänä ja nämä 5% tarttuvat blogiin, facebookiin, jne pian yhtiön maine on kuralla. Sosiaalinen media = avoimuus. Jyvät erotellaan akanoista tehokkaamin kuin aiemmin. Sana kiertää ja vaikuttaa nopeammin ja laveammin kuin ikinä.
Tervetuloa läpinäkyvään markkinatalouteen, jossa hyvät nostataan, heikot pudotetaan ja keskinkertaisuudet siunaavat hiljaisuuden.
torstai 27. elokuuta 2009
Unilever CEO Paul Pulman kertoo mitä on LAATUKASVU
Last year, Unilever grew the top line 7% organically, but all from pricing.
"This year the growth is coming from innovations and [marketing]," Mr. Polman said. "That's quality growth."
Unilever ja muutamat suuret todelliset bränditalot pitävät päättäväisesti lama-aikojen läpi markkinointipanostukset korkealla. Vanha viisaus on, että kun muut ovat hiljaa, on medianäkyyvs, share-of-voice ja huomioarvo share-of-mind, suhteellisen ja absoluuttisen halpaa.
Kasvua voi saada aikaan myös hinnoittelulla, volyymiä alennuksilla ja lisätuottoja monopolialoilla nostamalla hintoja.
Innovaatioilla ja markkinoinnilla aikaansaatu LAATUKASVU on innostava business design -näkökulma, -tavoite ja -käsite, jonka otan käyttöön heti tänään.
keskiviikko 26. elokuuta 2009
Taivas Lab - MCPC 2009 8.10.2009
360 million people have googled Harry Potter. This means that hundreds of millions of people probably are also active enough to talk about him to others... Thus marketing the books more effectively than any ad ever could.
Companies are not statues but organic entities that evolve continuously. Customers are not a threat but an innovative and active force that can help a company in becoming stronger, more desirable and more successful.
Traditionally brands have been cocreating people, offering them means to express their identities. Today people are cocreating companies by participating in marketing or even in product development. They do this invited or uninvited. Taivas Lab looks at ways in which companies can work as Editors in Chief of themselves, letting people get involved in making a company an icon.
Viewpoints during the day will include both social and other innovative media and platforms. Cases range from Habbo Hotel, virtual world for teenagers to Forum, the central Helsinki shopping mall where two young women will live 24/7, reporting their lives and shopping through videos, photos and text entries.
Taivas Lab will consist of keynote speeches and team work sessions that utilise rapid prototyping for giving participants both thoughts and solutions to walk away with. Any participant is encouraged to provide Taivas Lab with an actual business problem to be solved during the day with colleagues and both academic and business experts.
Puhetta johtaa Rory Sutherland
Asiakkaat yhä tyytymättömämpiä asiakasuskollisuusohjelmille. 68 % kuluttajista tyytymättömiä USA:ssa.
Millennials clamor for communication via new media
TORONTO (August 13, 2009) - Far too many of those mailings, emails and Facebook messages that companies send to their loyalty reward program members miss the mark, according to consumer survey research released today by customer loyalty agency Direct Antidote, a LoyaltyOne company.
Just 32% of U.S. consumers rated reward program communications 8 or higher on a 1 to 10 scale for measuring relevancy to their personal needs - with 68% giving a score of 7 or below. The Direct Antidote research is based on 2,152 completed surveys from consumers nationwide.
Direct Antidote's study centered on loyalty rewards communications, such as annual points balance reports, special earning offers and program information. Consumers were asked to rank the relevance of the communications they receive from "not at all relevant" to "extremely relevant" on a 1 to 10 scale. Despite marketers devotion to customized messaging, Direct Antidote's results across all demographics surveyed showed decidedly average relevance scores, with Seniors reporting the lowest perceived relevance at a 5.7 mean score, and Young Adults and Hispanics tied for the highest at 6.9.
"We are in the era of enhanced customer expectations, where the empowered consumer has a strong desire for engagement. And clearly the loyalty industry is falling short on delivering the highly-personalized, relevant communications that consumers expect," said Di Cullen, president of Direct Antidote.
"The data offers an opportunity for loyalty marketers to step up on several fronts," continued Cullen. Cullen cited the following strategies to improve communication relevance:
- Create offers that appeal to the trends and values of the times, such as the green movement or recession-stoked consumer frugality;
- Leverage partnerships with other brands to share data, drive down costs and drive up the value proposition to the consumer;
- Explore alternative sources to find new ways to mine for information that is compelling to customers.
Practicing what it preaches, Direct Antidote recently launched a campaign for Canadian loyalty program operator, the AIR MILES Reward Program, in an attempt to improve relevance and consumer response rates. The firm created an unprecedented 778,000 unique versions of an account statement mailed to over three million members. Early tests yielded a more than 100% boost in response rates and a very green-friendly 40% reduction in paper waste.
In another key finding from the study, the Senior demographic reported a spike in engagement with rewards programs since the same questions were asked in 2007. Over the two-year period the amount of Seniors that reported reading special offers sent via mail increased 64%; the amount saying that they read mailed statements was up 21%; and the amount responding to member surveys increased 21%.
At the other end of the spectrum, the survey found Young Adults or Millennials outpacing all demographics in appreciation of engagement with rewards programs through new media. A somewhat expected but still notable 52% of Millennials strongly appreciate communication via cell phone or text message and 55% said the same about social networking sites. This compares with the General Population at 38% and 39%, respectively.
"The stats are indicators that the loyalty business enjoys appeal across the span of demographics. As Baby Boomers move from workforce to retirement, there is great opportunity to engage these veteran loyalty players with communications that appeal to their new lifestyle. At the polar opposite, fostering engaged, loyal customers within the Young Adult demo means approaching them on emerging channels," concluded Cullen.
Direct Antidote's research was gathered in coordination with loyalty marketing publisher COLLOQUY. The study of loyalty program perceptions examined trends in six consumer segments: General Population representing a statistically distributed sample of the U.S. overall; Affluent (heads of household with annual incomes of $125,000 or greater); Millennials or Young Adults (any respondent 18 to 25 years of age); Seniors (any respondent 60 years or older); Core Women (any female respondent age 25 to 49 with an annual income between $50,000 and $125,000); and Emerging Hispanic (any respondent age 21 or older of Hispanic origin with an annual household income of $40,000 or less). April 2009 online survey respondents are broadly representative of the U.S. population within each consumer segment. The research obtained a total of 2,152 completed survey interviews.