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maanantai 19. tammikuuta 2009

Tunnethan "Vu deja" -käsitteen? Bob Sutton ja antropologia auttaa.

Anthropolists seek out epiphanies trough a sense of ”Vuja De”

Sense on seeing something for the first time even if you have actually witnessed it many times before.
Anthropolists have the ability to ”see” what’s always been there but has gone unnoticed – what others have faileded to see or comprehend because they have stopped looking too soon

Bob Sutton, professor at Standford

As French novelist Marcel Proust said, "The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes." So if you want to find untapped innovation opportunities, watch the world around you with "fresh eyes."
Go for a sense of vuja de, and then ask yourself why things are the way they are.
Why do people wear a watch when their cellphone keeps perfect time? Why don't movie theaters sell soundtracks as you exit the film? Why do we all have answering machines to record messages from telephone callers, but nothing to record a message from someone who stops by our home or office? Why don't business guys wear hats in the winter, even when it's below freezing?

Anthropolists seek out epiphanies trough a sense of ”Vuja De”

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Luo Forrester tikapuumallin profiili

Taivas Lab KEY NOTE Rory Sutherland TED esitys. Kertaus portailta - toimii toistona.

6 minuutin seminaari mobiilimarkkinoinnista. Mukana myös suomalainen Blyk

Jos huokasit jo helpotuksesta ja totesit "mobiilimarkkinoinnista ei tarvitse välittää - siitä ei ole mihinkään", saatoit iloita liian aikaisin. Ohessa 6 minuutin setti, jossa pikaesittelyssä kiinnostavia mobiilimarkkinoinnin sovelluksia.